We build amazing kits
of experimental satellites for schools
We put space technology in the students hands.
Our kits allow the classes to build their own satellites models and perform real space experiences!
São estudados vários temas nas disciplinas do Ensino Básico em diversas áreas do conhecimento. Nesse sentido, o kit Educacional Básico LUSOSAT disponibiliza um conjunto de atividades, abrangendo diferentes tópicos que se enquadram nos currículos das disciplinas de Ciências, bem como outras atividades que exploram áreas aplicadas às ciências aeroespaciais.
Proposta tecnológica para o apoio ao desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas, que usa um satélite como ferramenta interdisciplinar. O kit Educacional Secundário LUSOSAT possibilita métodos práticos de ensino, envolvendo os alunos e estimulando-os a interagir com o ambiente de aprendizagem, aperfeiçoando habilidades em disciplinas relacionadas à educação científica.
Aliada às inovações tecnológicas, o satélite Educacional destaca-se e contribui no processo de ensino-aprendizagem pela sua habilidade em promover a interdisciplinaridade e proporcionar o trabalho de equipa, motivando e integrando os estudantes. O kit Educacional Universitário LUSOSAT é o mais apropriado considerando os seus recursos, restrições e necessidades no apoio pedagógico.
Educational Satellites
Of all the topics covered in science classes, space is understandably one of the most complex. In this way, The LUSOSAT Educational Satellites allows spatial experiences at the reach to promising young scientists. The kits offer freedom for the teachers create experiences in the classroom or create spatial experiences. The platform also host a vast number of features in addition to tutorials videos to inspire and educate the users.
Learn more securely and accessible about the cutting edge satellites technology
Perform experiences and be inspired to create our own
Understanding the fundamentals of space science through practical experiences
I really liked the idea and consider the practical purpose very noble .
I do not know online platforms dedicated to this type of study but it seems quite innovative, at least in Portugal.
Congratulations on creativity, innovation and commitment. I really liked it.Hugo Filipe Ramos
PhD in Communication Sciences | ISCTE-IUL
It is precisely projects like this that show how Portugal can also contribute to the advancement
in this area while demonstrating an immediate and very concrete practical application;
which ultimately ends up to serve as an incentive.Luis Filipe Peres
Freelance Artist/Illustrator
There is a saying that tell "genius and crazy, we all have a little"... it is something that fits perfectly in who is recognized by all has a maker. Mesk is an excellent example of a true birth maker. Since the school that is predestined to differentiate as such. It is this intrinsic quality that will immediately carry to the project a huge added value. Not only has the objective of compliance, but will also bring added value that will certainly help and check all recipients of it.João Luis Sousa
Telecommunications Engineer
If a visitor of the nineteenth century visit our society, he probably marvel with many things, but one of the things he better identify it would be a school. Education needs, urgent, a revolution so that it can meet the cognitive demands of this student who is born as an integral and participatory part of the information age. This project is one of these bright examples, a revolutionary proposal that encourages anyone who wants to join, to achieve something unusual, unique, and most importantly, very clever. Congratulations, Rui.Edvaldo Melquiades Jr.
Visual arts | UFBA